Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eye Contact Training With Your Dog

Making eye contact with your dog is one of the fundamental lessons toward a well trained animal. A pet that understands the non verbal cue of eye contact from leader to dog will listen to instruction more quickly, even when highly stimulated outdoors. Follow the below steps until your dog responds to your glances.

  1. Choose a reward that works for your pet. This can be affection, treats, or "click" training. The more the pet desires the reward, the quicker they will respond.
  2. Make sure your dog is on a leash. The leashed pet will respond to your role as leader easier.
  3. Hold the reward close to your eyes. Call your dogs name and respond with the reward as soon as they make eye contact. Repeat many times daily.
  4. As your dog reacts easier to the training move around when calling the animal for more of a challenge. Repeat many times daily.
  5. After practicing this training with your pet, try eye contact training indoors off the leash.

Brought to you with love from www.BluePawNation.com

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