Monday, February 15, 2010

The BLUE PAW CREW Learns To Sing

The Blue Paw Crew learns to sing when Walker, a curious little boy, POE, his protective puppy, and their neighbors Rider, a little girl who loves to explore on her bike, and her smart dog ROE get together.

Wearing Lil Paw Pack
Green Text indicate reader participation...

"Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE sang. "WHAT IS THAT NOISE???" Walker asked. "I am practicing my singing. Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE barked again. "But you are a dog POE...and dogs don't need to sing, they need to bark!" Walker protested. "If YOU are going to practice your singing POE, then I am going to practice my barking! "Well I would like to hear that!" POE snickered. "WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF" Walker barked and barked, and barked. Well, this made POE sing even louder!

"Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE sang. WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF" Walker barked. "Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE sang. WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF" Walker barked.

POE and Walker were performing their sing/bark battle so LOUDLY that Rider and ROE came running up the block to see what was going on. "What has gotten in to you two?" Rider asked. Walker responded, "My crazy dog POE thinks he can sing, but I told him that dogs are only supposed to bark, not sing!" Rider smiled at Walker and started to explain that if POE wants to sing, then he can sing. "My dog ROE and I sing together all the time Walker. You two are missing out on some great fun."

Walker and POE looked at each other. "OK Walker, here is the deal. I will agree to teach you to bark if you agree to give me some singing lessons." Walker smiled and agreed. "Sounds great POE!" They began to give each other lessons.... "

"Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE sang. WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF" Walker barked. "Do Re Mi Fa So La Te Do!" POE sang. WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF" Walker barked.

Upon hearing the noisy deal struck between Walker and POE, ROE and Rider looked at each other and agreed the next time they settle a dispute, they would make sure it did not involve bad singing OR loud barking!!!

** THE END **

A story for you and your child, happily brought to you by: Blue Paw Nation promoting Earth friendly, dog friendly and family friendly products.

Stay tuned for more of the Blue Paw Crew adventure stories!

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