Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sammy Jane's Strawberry Jello

Blue Paw Nation knows how to make the most of the last days of summer vacation. Join your kids in an easy outdoor activity that will pay rewards for you and your dog into next spring…create your very own organic strawberry garden, then use your homegrown fruit to make “Sammy Jane’s Strawberry Jello”! Recipe and photo submitted by Ellen on behalf of Sammy Jane.

Featured Blue Paw Pet - Sammy Jane
Wagging for organic strawberries in a dog treat.
Sammy Jane's Strawberry Jello Recipe

  • 1 package of strawberry Jello
  • 3 large chopped fresh organic strawberries from your garden
  • Doggie inspired bake tins…bone and paw shapes are fun!

Add your chopped strawberries to the liquid Jello. Pour the liquid into the bake tins. Place in the fridge for a couple hours and serve to your best friend.

More About Organic Strawberries

Sammy Jane’s Mommy Ellen chose strawberries for their high antioxidant count and sweet flavor. Strawberries—because they produce a large amount of fruit in a relatively small area—are among the most productive (and most rewarding) of all berry fruits. You can plant strawberries in spring, summer, or fall. If you've never grown your own, now's the time to start.
photo of kids tending their organic strawberry patch with Lil Paw PackGrowing Your Own Organic Strawberry Garden

Your strawberry patch needs to be in direct sunlight for at least six hours of sunlight every day. Give your fruit room too as strawberries grow best when they have space.

Prepare the strawberry bed by loosening the soil.

Enrich the soil with compost.

Add a layer of mulch to prevent weeds.

Dig a hole for each strawberry plant, setting the rows about 4 feet apart. The hole should be just deep enough to cover the roots and about 2 inches of the stem.

Water the patch and be sure to keep it well-watered at all times. Weed the garden regularly and keep critters, and Sammy Jane out with a small chain-link fence.

Share your dog treat recipe with Blue Paw Nation.

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